<邀稿合作>來自瑞典的質感耳機Sudio開箱(文有折扣碼) Listen stylishly with Sudio

Recently busy at throwing resume and going to interview for future jobs, and I totally feel like those models in America's Next Top Model 's "GO SEE" session. As them walking to different showrooms , my version is going to different Media or PR to find the perfect job for me. Anyway, finding a job is still easier than love ha ha , so don't feel upset all graduates!!
最近忙於找工作,整個人就像超級名模生死鬥裡每季都有的"GO SEE"情結,只差我不是穿T Shirt 緊身牛仔褲跟高跟鞋,跳上計程車還要比誰多哈哈。找工作雖然煩悶,但其實還蠻好玩的啦,算是了解產業現況,但再難一定還是比真愛好找啦哈哈哈哈哈(無敵樂觀)
OK, back to topic, I was flattered when I got the invitation from Sudio to try their earphones. Overall the quality of the earphone is really good. When you listen to music with more bass then you can easily find the difference. And the surprising fact is that this anti-noise effect is actually pretty good!! I really like the bold color they choose to decorate earphones, making it like an accessory to your OOTD!


Cuz I am the honest blogger, I still need to say the disadvantage of every product I have used. The only pity of their design is the "Stay in Ear" design with one long and one short earphone. Well it can still be good idea cuz you can put it behind the ear while running. However, it can jump out from your ears easily. So I recommend to put these earphones at your office or home, because they can give you best music quality and eliminate noise. I am glad that their PR is really honest and respect to the problem I report to them

但因為我是誠實部落客,我還是要寫出缺點代表我的可信度。它的一長一短設計用意良好,讓你不會臉頰被耳機一直掃到,但也是個小缺點,因為像我跑步的時候,反而左邊太短(可能我脖子太長,我上輩子是天鵝這輩子折返人間 嗚嗚),一直跑出來有點不方便。在這邊要誇讚公關,我跟它講這個問題它不但沒有逃避,並且跟我說會跟設計師反映,讓我覺得這個品牌真的蠻中肯的,喜歡喜歡,建議買他們家耳機放在家裡或辦公室用,可以長時間配戴不會累,通勤時就用一般耳機吧XDD

Then it's the 15% off discount code : alex


Then it's my show time! Thanks to my BFF Vicky shot these amazing photos! Sudio should hire me to endorse XDDD
接著就是外拍時間,感謝好姊妹Vicky 幫我拍照,她平常很愛畫畫難怪把我拍超好看,從單品到外拍都讚,Sudio趕快找我當代言人吧XD
 The guarantee certificate is valid for one year! That's really considerate for consumers

OOOTD!!!! (Orange Outfit Of ToDay)

Add my fans page and instagram Please~~


Alex Shih
